Saturday, February 28, 2009


Thursday evening at the White House, Stevie Wonder received the Library Of Congress Gershwin Prize. This is only the second time this prize has been award for excellence in music. For such a prolific artist, Stevie Wonder, is very deserving of this award. Also, it can be said that artists such as Stevie Wonder were the soundtrack of the 2008 presidential election. President Barack Obama was heavily influenced by his music, and President Obama also stated in a joking matter that first lady Michelle Obama kept dating him because of there love for Stevie Wonder's music("You and I" from Talking Book was there first song at there wedding).

Stevie Wonder is one of the most Significant artists in modern music history, on the level of The Beatles, early Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, and Billy Joel. Also was influential for many modern artists that could take a full page to list. Throughout the 1970's, Stevie Wonder released five consecutive critically and commercial successful albums, winning Grammy's for album of the year in 1974, 1975 and 1977. At the 1976 Grammy awards, Paul Simon jokingly thanked Stevie Wonder for not releasing an album that year (FYI Paul Simon was the first recipient of the Gershwin Prize in 2007). Given the success Stevie Wonder throughout his music career, three albums come to mind that everyone should listen to.

Talking Book (1972)

The second of the the five albums released in the "classic" era of Stevie Wonder's career, Talking Book was a departure from his original Motown sound. This was a very funky album with heavy synthesizer use, most notably on "superstition" one of the most popular songs on the album. The album also mixed in slower tempo love songs such as "You and I" and "You Are the Sunshine of My Life". Talking book is one of Stevie Wonder most popular do to the number one Success of "Superstition" and "You Are the Sunshine of My Life". Talking book lead to the success of his next album, Innervisions

Innervisions (1973)

First of Wonder's three albums to win the Grammy for Album of the Year. This was a much more of an experimental album compared to Talking book. Stevie Wonder also used a method of recording often employed by Marvin Gaye, in which songs were blended together seamlessly. this method gives Innervisions an organic feel to it. This album is filled with heavy emotions with spirituality in the songs "Innervision", love "Golden Lady", funk "Too High" and "Higher ground". Innervisions was much more "political" with his song "Living in the City", were Stevie Wonder can be heard playing every single instrument on the track. After the success of Innervisions, Stevie Wonder released Fulfillingness' First Finale in 1974, which also won Album of the Year. Steve Wonder never took a real break, but embarked on his most ambitious album to date.

Songs In The Key Of Life

This is Stevie Wonders opus, the final of the five albums in the "classic" era. Songs In The Key Of Life was an ambitious double album, which was rare at the time. This album sums up the career that, up to that point, for Stevie Wonder. It paints a picture of life, from remembering the days of youth in "I wish", to the negatives of living in the past in "Pastime Paradise". Songs in the Key Of Life is also filled with pop songs such as "Sir Duke" and "Isn't She Lovely" as well as the social and politically charged "Have a Talk with God" and "Black Man". Stevie Wonder not only created great songs in this album, but also brought in new technology and honed his sounds from prior albums to musical perfection. This album brought everything together to create one of the greatest albums of all time. Out of the three albums on this list, Songs In The Key Of Life is my personal favorite.

There are several other Stevie Wonder albums that are great, but these three are the best. To get a full prospective of Stevie Wonder "classic" era, listen to the five albums together. It is also interesting that Stevie Wonder had recorded all of these albums by the age of 27. I can still see Stevie Wonder release another great album, and it is possible that this past year might have rejuvenated him to do so. One can only hope.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Two Out Of Three ARE Bad

Clap, clap, clap... great job the Big Two (GM/Chrysler), you have once again given me a reason to despise you. I LOVE(d) GM, you guys were once the suppler of automobiles and opportunities to many in my family. Now what are you? nothing less than a street beggar looking for a hand out..

Why did you succumb to this status? Was it because of competition or recessions, well yes, but those are all minor compared to what caused your collapse, your own ignorance and self stupidity.

Once princes of the country, Detroit was considered a prime spot. Now its infested with debt, crime and closed minded CEOs.

You have destroyed that once prosperous city, you so called part of the Big Three. So continue to ship American jobs overseas, build your plants in Mexico, and claim your Stimulus checks. You Brutus, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You grew with Michigan, helped build each others portfolios, and now, when it needs help, you leave it raped and beaten on the street.

You hear about CEO's who steal billions from clients, but what you have done to MY home state is far worse. You have stolen dreams, broke families, and destroyed people's sense of respect for the Auto Company.

So go ahead, close your plants, lay off more workers, BEG for more money... but your ignorance and small mindedness caused your inflictions. At first, i had pity for you... I was an advocate for a hand out from the government (US TAX PAYERS), but as you come to meetings in your personal jets (then next in your hybrids, because you care about the environment, asses), continue to ask for hand outs WHILE cutting thousands of jobs, i am becoming more assertive that your companies deserve to fail.

We live in a market society, we can't keep putting a band-aid on a wound that wont heal. Its to sever this limb, this 2 of the Big Three are nothing but a gang green infection towards the body of the American economy.

I applaud you Ford. Yes you may have asked for a initial hand, but you took that and did what was needed. By cutting over head costs, eliminating poor selling models, diversing and restructuring your company you are the Red Wings of your trade while GM/Chrysler are, well you know. Your starting to roll out more "green" cars than any other american brand, even if your far behind Toyota or Honda, your at least trying... you got some fight in ya.
I see ford as the Rocky Balboa figure, can take many hits but is still standing, fighting back and GM/Chrysler the post-prime Evander Holyfield... NO matter how much we pay to see Evander he still falls fast.

THIS IS WHAT A MARKET ECONOMY IS ABOUT. If something doesn't work, FIX IT.

GM and Chrysler, you are the adult entertainers of the auto business... NO matter how much money we throw at you, your still going to ask for more until we are out and credit cards are maxed out. Stop selling yourself and learn to sell cars again. Your AMERICANS, start acting like it.

Chapter 11 isnt enough for you GM/Chrysler, because no matter what, your executive board is comfortable and will never have to struggle. You want a loan? FIRE all your executives, take their salaries, hire back thousands of those employees and have an innovative consulting group (google+Hyundai im looking your way) re structure your PISS poor company.

one last note,
STOP LAYING OF INNOCENT HARDWORKING AMERICANS! Grow a pair, act like executives and figure out a way to get your workers back doing what they do best.

Still Bitter over the 2002 Draft,

Is Mature Really Mature?

I was listening to one of my favorite podcast this morning RebelFM and there main topic of the day revolved around maturity in games and the new video released for Grand Theft Auto 4 expansion The lost and The Damned. The video shows full frontal male nudity which might becoming a controversy but Rockstar games the developer have been in this territory before(Hot Coffee). The video can be seen on,I think the original intent was to forward the story and introducing a character that is corrupt politician that has nothing to hide(literally).Yeah I was not really shocked or offended but one part of me thinks was it really necessary.

I don't have a problem with Rockstar games using nudity compared to the violence in there games nudity should no be a big deal. I just wonder if game developers will look at sex more maturely.Many game just use sex and nudity for eye candy case in point the God of War series were kratos the main character has sex with two topless women off screen in a mini game. Which, is fine for them doing it but it is pointless and seems to put sex in simplistic terms.Sex is a natural thing in life and love is something that human beings take serious.I fill that putting nudity in games should be more thought out not just to put out there to show off how edgy your game is.I have seen many games fall into the trap at times it is funny but does not serve any purpose. Only A few games such as Mass Effect made sex more serious and more thoughtful.

Maturity in games seems to be one of the things that developers have not quite found the perfect fit. Since people are playing games as they get older there seems to be a desire to have more mature games. But, think some developers see making a game mature is to make it over the top with sex or violence. I think this way of thinking is to simplistic, I think people my age and older want to have something a little more thought provoking. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy games such as Gears of War, but I really don't care for the story line and the characters are fine.Gears of War series is meant to be over the top violent and when the story tries to be serious it does not fit the universe of chainsaw guns and huge muscle soldiers.Also cursing every line in the game does not make a game truly mature it just gives you the M rating.Grand Theft Auto 4 for all of its violence still gives a mature story line that is compelling and gives the player moral choices that might affect the game. GTA4 still maintains its fun and balances itself very well and makes you fill that you are in a crime drama

Call of Duty 4 did something that I have never seen in a game when your character is trying to escape the city by helicopter when a Nuclear bomb goes off knocking your helicopter out the sky.To wake up and watch your character take his last steps before he dies is something shocking and at the shows the damage war causes. Situations like this gives a mature game more weight. Also another thing which would make a war game such as Call of Duty more weight is in urban warfare setting give the player some moral decisions rather then just a killing machine.Call of duty series has always been about immersion and things such as civilians being caught in the middle gives the player a moral choice.Use of civilians are still a touchy situation, but also gives a person a moral choice and is more realistic because not everything in the world wants to kill you.

Maybe this is looking to narrow at the current game market and I don't think all games should be like this.I think there should be a balance of more mature oriented games that have complex thought and still maintains enjoyment that everyone wants from there games.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 10 Bromances on T.V. Right Now

A Bromance is defined as, "A non-sexual relationship between two men that are unusually close." Another word used to describe this affliction is "Guy Love". In this case, two heterosexual males share a non-sexual bond that can be closer than a sexual relationship between a man and a woman. After reviewing many television shows, there are the ten bromances that stand-out above the rest.

Honorable Mentions include:

HM. Lenny and Carl - The Simpsons
Lenny and Carl are a classic pair, but there are way too many choices that we can not pass up.

HM. Fry and Bender - Futurama
The fact that they are no longer television characters, but movie characters is the only reason they are not on the list.

HM. Mason and Conner - Trust Me
A Bromance for the ages... assuming the show can survive beyond the first season.

HM. House and Wilson - House
A classic odd couple type friendship. They love to annoy the crap out of each other, but are always there for each other.

And Now... The Top 10 Bromances on Television Right Now:

10. Mike and Sam - Burn Notice
They have willingly and consistantly risked their lives for each other on multiple occasions. They trust each other completely, and there is always plenty of beer in the mix. If nothing else, this should convince you...

9. Shawn and Gus - Psych
"I Know, You Know!", that these detectives are a sure thing when it comes to bringing the bromance. No matter how much Shawn annoys Gus, the Magic Head will always be there for him. Also, Shawn has an infatuation with pineapples. Not that there is anything wrong with that... just had to mention it.

8. Marshall, Ted, and Barney - How I Met Your Mother
The Bro Code says it all. These three friends have been through so much together. He gave him his Walkman; that's gotta count for something...

7. Hiro and Ando - Heroes
Without a doubt, these are the two geekiest characters on this list. These guys travel the world reading comic books, teleporting to different locations, and Lo-Jacking each other. I know that Ando is not really into the whole "bromance" aspect of their relationship, but there is no questioning how far they will go to protect one another.

6. Mike, Kenny, Bobby, and Brendo - My Boys
Such dynamic pairs, with a constant changing and re-aligning of alliances and mini-bromances. This group is teetering on the verge of Cheers greatness.

5. Drama and Turtle - Entourage

4. Charlie, Mac, and Dennis - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
I it wasn't for the fact that they are father and son (Technically), they would have been very high on our list.

3. Jack and Tony - 24
With all of the whisper talking between these two, you might suspect that they have been doing more than saving the world from a terrorist threat for the past 24 hours...

2. Stewie and Brian - Family Guy
These two, though the only cartoon characters on the list, are pushing the limits of bromance with each passing episode. From their trips across the world, their musical prowess, or their trivial arguments over "cool hwhip", there is little questioning their bromantic feelings for one another.

1. Turk and J.D. - Scrubs
The very definition of what a bromance is supposed to be. There is no question that they are in a class above the rest. They are the Babe Ruth of Bromance. EAGLE!!!!!!

And there you have my list. Who would you have put on the list.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Go and take a ride to a shop in Grant Park

Here's a little story that your gonna adore...

First off, thank you Chris for that wonderful introduction and DAMN YOU for telling people my secrets!

Ok this week in politics/US news, or at least what i find interesting, in a top 5 set up:

5. McCain Confronts Obama on Marine One; another reason why this Maverick should be audition for the third installment of grump old men. My friend, you lost and you have no one to blame except yourself, well maybe her or him (notice the sweat-shit, i mean shirt).
Mr. McCouldn't.... count it.

4. Governors turn down stimulus money; it's not the progressive states which hold some what of a economy, its the "leaders" of the most deprived states. At least four Republican Governors are saying thanks but no thanks to some of the $150 billion of "free" money doled out to states
These Governors -- Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Rick Perry of Texas and Mark Sanford of South Carolina. The tens of billions of dollars of aid for health care, welfare and education will disappear in two years and leave states with no way to finance the expanded programs. So that's; Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and South Carolina, any one notice a trend? No? let me Bush(new term for dumming down, use it) it for you, Louisiana 32% black, South Carolina 29% black, Texas 53% Hispanic and black, Mississippi 32% black. ...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... but screw you if your a minority in the south, you don't count.
BUT WAIT! There is HOPE, and not that Obama left wing, pink ol commie Hope... but good 'ol red blooded American maverick plumber HOPE...
Gov. Samford of South Carolina, offers a alternative to federal aide money... if you close your eyes and keep saying nothing is wrong repeatedly, everything will be ok. I cannot wait for the day that people wake up from this magic spell and realize how much of a phony you are.

3. The 51st State; DC's two-century-long wait for a voice in Congress was a step closer to ending Tuesday with a crucial Senate vote to take up legislation giving the capital city's 600,000 residents a full seat in the House of Representatives. This is the first step towards Statehood. If you know anything about how DC receives funds for infrastructure, its about time... driving in the city is similar to hunting with Dick Cheney (bob and move). Best of luck DC.

2. Good Night and Good Luck Conan; after 16 years (the age cody likes his women) and 2725 shows (same number of times Chris has attempted to hit on drunk biatches and failed) will be moving to a town of glitter girls and cocaine friends... even though he claims he'll never grow up, once in L.A. i have a feeling he will be saying "tell me i sold out, tell me i sold out go ahead". Nonetheless, best wishes to you on your new venture, the Late Night will be missed.

1. Sean Penn really Milk's it; Mr. Penn, i applaud you, not only for your amazing performance but also for your open mind and use of your first amendment right.
"We've got to have equal rights for everyone"

This one is for you Puggy,

Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm Gonna Lose These Blues I've Found, Down In Luckie Street

Hello everyone, welcome to the initial blogging of what we hope will become a regular fixture to your leisurely browsing. We are a group of friends from various parts of the country, but coming together in the attempt to further display our interests and opinions. For the most part, this is a blog of no particular agenda; it is a collection of articles meant to shed some light on anything that we find important or interesting.

The following format will consists of several regular features, including:

Music Watch -- With a love for indie artists, forgotten rock icons, and emerging local talent, this site will dive into the indie rock genre looking to find a few gems.

The Gamer -- Expect to see reviews, information, and comments regarding the video game genre. Some will be new games while other reviews will feature a look back at some of our favorites throughout the years.

At the movies/On the Tube -- A breakdown of film and television, including reviews, previews, information, and comments. This site will feature articles featuring both old and new cinema.

This Week in Politics -- This site will be regularly engaging in all things political. This will include opinions, criticisms, overviews, and -- at times -- discussions on national and local matters.

The Locker Room -- Another favorite among this blog is sports, particularly baseball, football, and hockey. Other sports will be included, but this feature will range from the accounting of historic sporting events to analysis and predictions.

Non Sequitur -- Random musings and off-the-wall articles will be a fairly regular feature here at this blog and will often be completely unintelligible, but fun.


We hope that you will find the following items to be interesting and hope that you will enjoy our content. As of this post, the following people have committed to being a member of the blog:

Rafael DelBosque -- A.K.A. "Raffy Taffy." Has a blog titled "The Raffy Taffy." Has been known to punch babies at the sound of crying babies -- which eventually makes him punch even more babies.

Chris DelBosque -- Formerly known as "The Architecture Guy." Hosts a blog titled, "You Just Got Slapped." Once sent Molly Ringwald a dead cat covered in pink paint, then asked if it was pretty.

Andre Lecour -- A.K.A. "The Drizzle." Has a blog titled, "The Drizzolution." Was once groped by Michael Jackson.

Kevin Work -- A.K.A. "K-Dubs." Host a blog titled, "Mr. Work Goes to Washington." Has attempted to break the world record for longest consecutive session of masturbation every night since he was 15.