Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is Mature Really Mature?

I was listening to one of my favorite podcast this morning RebelFM and there main topic of the day revolved around maturity in games and the new video released for Grand Theft Auto 4 expansion The lost and The Damned. The video shows full frontal male nudity which might becoming a controversy but Rockstar games the developer have been in this territory before(Hot Coffee). The video can be seen on,I think the original intent was to forward the story and introducing a character that is corrupt politician that has nothing to hide(literally).Yeah I was not really shocked or offended but one part of me thinks was it really necessary.

I don't have a problem with Rockstar games using nudity compared to the violence in there games nudity should no be a big deal. I just wonder if game developers will look at sex more maturely.Many game just use sex and nudity for eye candy case in point the God of War series were kratos the main character has sex with two topless women off screen in a mini game. Which, is fine for them doing it but it is pointless and seems to put sex in simplistic terms.Sex is a natural thing in life and love is something that human beings take serious.I fill that putting nudity in games should be more thought out not just to put out there to show off how edgy your game is.I have seen many games fall into the trap at times it is funny but does not serve any purpose. Only A few games such as Mass Effect made sex more serious and more thoughtful.

Maturity in games seems to be one of the things that developers have not quite found the perfect fit. Since people are playing games as they get older there seems to be a desire to have more mature games. But, think some developers see making a game mature is to make it over the top with sex or violence. I think this way of thinking is to simplistic, I think people my age and older want to have something a little more thought provoking. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy games such as Gears of War, but I really don't care for the story line and the characters are fine.Gears of War series is meant to be over the top violent and when the story tries to be serious it does not fit the universe of chainsaw guns and huge muscle soldiers.Also cursing every line in the game does not make a game truly mature it just gives you the M rating.Grand Theft Auto 4 for all of its violence still gives a mature story line that is compelling and gives the player moral choices that might affect the game. GTA4 still maintains its fun and balances itself very well and makes you fill that you are in a crime drama

Call of Duty 4 did something that I have never seen in a game when your character is trying to escape the city by helicopter when a Nuclear bomb goes off knocking your helicopter out the sky.To wake up and watch your character take his last steps before he dies is something shocking and at the shows the damage war causes. Situations like this gives a mature game more weight. Also another thing which would make a war game such as Call of Duty more weight is in urban warfare setting give the player some moral decisions rather then just a killing machine.Call of duty series has always been about immersion and things such as civilians being caught in the middle gives the player a moral choice.Use of civilians are still a touchy situation, but also gives a person a moral choice and is more realistic because not everything in the world wants to kill you.

Maybe this is looking to narrow at the current game market and I don't think all games should be like this.I think there should be a balance of more mature oriented games that have complex thought and still maintains enjoyment that everyone wants from there games.

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