Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm Gonna Lose These Blues I've Found, Down In Luckie Street

Hello everyone, welcome to the initial blogging of what we hope will become a regular fixture to your leisurely browsing. We are a group of friends from various parts of the country, but coming together in the attempt to further display our interests and opinions. For the most part, this is a blog of no particular agenda; it is a collection of articles meant to shed some light on anything that we find important or interesting.

The following format will consists of several regular features, including:

Music Watch -- With a love for indie artists, forgotten rock icons, and emerging local talent, this site will dive into the indie rock genre looking to find a few gems.

The Gamer -- Expect to see reviews, information, and comments regarding the video game genre. Some will be new games while other reviews will feature a look back at some of our favorites throughout the years.

At the movies/On the Tube -- A breakdown of film and television, including reviews, previews, information, and comments. This site will feature articles featuring both old and new cinema.

This Week in Politics -- This site will be regularly engaging in all things political. This will include opinions, criticisms, overviews, and -- at times -- discussions on national and local matters.

The Locker Room -- Another favorite among this blog is sports, particularly baseball, football, and hockey. Other sports will be included, but this feature will range from the accounting of historic sporting events to analysis and predictions.

Non Sequitur -- Random musings and off-the-wall articles will be a fairly regular feature here at this blog and will often be completely unintelligible, but fun.


We hope that you will find the following items to be interesting and hope that you will enjoy our content. As of this post, the following people have committed to being a member of the blog:

Rafael DelBosque -- A.K.A. "Raffy Taffy." Has a blog titled "The Raffy Taffy." Has been known to punch babies at the sound of crying babies -- which eventually makes him punch even more babies.

Chris DelBosque -- Formerly known as "The Architecture Guy." Hosts a blog titled, "You Just Got Slapped." Once sent Molly Ringwald a dead cat covered in pink paint, then asked if it was pretty.

Andre Lecour -- A.K.A. "The Drizzle." Has a blog titled, "The Drizzolution." Was once groped by Michael Jackson.

Kevin Work -- A.K.A. "K-Dubs." Host a blog titled, "Mr. Work Goes to Washington." Has attempted to break the world record for longest consecutive session of masturbation every night since he was 15.

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