Monday, April 6, 2009

Better know a constituent

Recent Phone Conversation
(Phone Rings, I proceed to answer)

Me: Thank you for calling Congressman Griffith’s office
Constituent: (in a dense southern accent) Hello? Any one there?
Me: Yes sir, how can I help you?
Constituent: Yah, I wanna taulk to yew ‘bout that darky in the white house.
Me: Excuse me?
Constituent: Ya, know, that Obamer feller.
Me: Ok sir, go ahead
(Constituent proceeds to bash the president, then moves on to gun control, then moves on to socialism)… story picks up here.
Constituent: and one other thing, damn this country for going towards that Chavez, Russia style
Me: Sir, are you aware that Chavez never lived in Russia
Constituent: What! I reckon I heard wrong on the TV then, well you know Chavez in Cuba…
Me: Sir, you mean Castro
Constituent: Same thing… but look, I am tired of my country which I love going towards communism. This Obamer feller is making us communists! I hate this socialist, communist shit! Ya know, they want to take my guns and my Medicare away, and I wont let ‘em!
Me: Did you say you were on Medicare?
Constituent: Yuppp..and I refuse to let that Obamer feller and his socialist agenda take it away!
Me: Sir, are you aware that Medicare is a social program…in turn, a socialist ideal
(a long pause of silence)
Constituent: Huh?
Me: Sir, do you understand the word “Hypocrisy”?
(I crumple up a piece of paper, making it seem like static and hung up the phone)
*and yes, I know I was on a land line and there isn’t static, but I was rather confident he didn’t

Gotta love that AL-05!
K dubs

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