Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here It Goes Again...

As you know, baseball season is upon us yet again.

With the smell of hot dogs in the air, hope is in the minds and hearts of kids and adults alike. There is no better time of the year than the beginning of baseball. The sun has broken through the winter clouds, the days are getting longer, and the flowers are beginning to bloom in bright and radiant colors. Pretty soon, the sound of wonder will fill giant cathedral-like stadiums. Cheers will ring as the crack of the bat will bring fans to their feet. Sons will call fathers, engulfed in joy, as their beloved Red Sox have come back in the 9th to beat the hated Yankees. Kids will race home from school, hoping to see a glimpse of Manny as he lifts his arms, triumphant, as another ball goes deep.

With so many outcomes left to be determined, there is nothing to do but speculate and watch. Who will be the dark horse to win it all? Which rookie will emerge as the next hall of fame candidate? Who will take home this years Cy Young award?

As the year progresses, all of these questions will be answered. As pennant races tighten, hopes and dreams are dashed. More often then not, your team will be sitting at home, watching as the next champions are crowned. This is why the beginning of the year can be so exhilarating. There is no heartbreak. Nothing is certain, nothing is guaranteed. If your team loses, well... there is always tomorrow.

As for the home opener... I can't wait to be there.

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