Monday, April 27, 2009

A Night At the Movies...

As you all know, summer is coming up and we here at the Luckie Street Tribune would like to give you a little insight into the best movies to look for when the time comes.

First, I'd like to submit going back in time to review a classic film, Disney's Toy Story. Granted, you've seen the film before, but I have a feeling you'll never see it the same way again -- and isn't that just like watching it for the first time?

Now to the main edition, the heart of the story. We all remember just a few months ago when the "Miracle on the Hudson" took place and captured our hearts, we'll get ready for the feature film. According to sources, Christian Bale has signed on to play the leading role. Here is a quick trailer.

I bet you're dying to see that film.

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