Friday, April 2, 2010

Boom! Encouragement!!

Finally, after too many months of miserable weather, it is spring time!

New season, new view points, lessons learned.

Not only was today the first day i skipped most my classes to enjoy the weather, but it was also the first trip to the REZ to kayak with my good buddies Ryan and Rory, epic.

But there is a major down fall about the new season, especially in Tallahassee (south GA), all the sorostiutes and fratastic broskis are out in droves. No kidding, it essentially a shallow-low self esteem love fest with these folks... the girls in their 'bit too tight dresses' (not complaining here) or the broskis in their faded pastel colored shorts, sunglasses with the strap on the back, boat shoes and t-shirts with the fish on the back of them, or when they aren't wearing shirts they have their steroid induced shaved chest and their new haircut... it's so sad sometime, but these girls (and i mean that term very literally) EAT this conformity shit up! Maybe it's because they have to dumb themselves down because thats what they think this less than intelligent guys want?? Also, no matter WHAT she says or how many times she swears shes not like the rest, ALL GEORGIA WOMEN ARE THE SAME. Redic... Jamie, tell some truth..

Sometimes i wish i could be a douche bag and go all Ben Roethlisberger over text loving, MTV watching, my small dog fits in my purse girls... but sadly, mediocrity isn't a turn on of mine.
(really Ben?! you could have any girl in Pittsburgh, and you choose some random small town girl from middle Georgia?! you deserve to get caught... sorry Tiger.)

We are only 4 weeks away from all the kids, and yes i'm getting old and i label them as kids, will be gone (and one day last week i did say to someone, 'remember when we were younger, music was so much better'). REALLY?! 1. i do NOT wake up feeling like P-diddy, 2. unless you are playing Poker, you should NOT have a poker face and 3. Bedrock is where the flintstones live, not some cleaver way to say you 'slay hoes'. STOP LIKING MUSIC BECAUSE YOU ARE TOLD TO LIKE IT!

b.t.w... how anyone was surprised when Ricky Martin came out of the closet should be taken out back and smacked with a rubber hose... (shake your bon bon... C'MON PEOPLE!!!)

until next time kids,


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