Friday, April 2, 2010

Ramblings:Game Endings,ipad and a Barn owl

Ah,a new month has started and finally feels like Spring. So what have I been up to since my last blog post? I was doing this, then broke my wrist (which is getting better now) and every time Glenn Beck talks or these people,I find myself doing this. Other then that playing video games, writing lyrics (not easy),working out and more face palms.

I have played many video games over the years and most of them have been good.But, one of the things I have noticed most game endings can be weak, pointless or downright terrible.Some great games have had weak endings Metal Gear Solid 2 and Halo 2 comes to mind.Video games have come along ways from there predecessors, when ending where simple for example Super Mario Brothers. Yes you had to jump threw fire, fight king Koopa to get that ending (By the way princess peach gets captured again, no joke!!). Anticlimactic yes but for its time period perfectly acceptable . With games now with more complex story lines there have only been a few endings where I felt truly satisfied.Most recently Assassins Creed II blew me away with a ending that was mind boggling(in a good way), yet tied the story together and allows it to expand in the next game. I would love to see more games have a more cohesive ending but, I can understand the difficulty in doing that given developer restraints but, that is another story for another day.

Since this is ramblings, I don't care about the Ipad there I said it. Is it nice? yes, but this is the stretch item for apple where I question a actual need for it. I guess I am being a prude about it but, I keep hearing about it everywhere. For god sake it was the top story on the Huffingtonpost post for almost a full day and a top story for the majority of the main stream media. Maybe I am wrong and I will eventually sucker myself to buy an Ipad or something similar eventually.

Music wise lately still listening to new stuff like the Gorillaz and Jamie Cullum's new albums which are both great, also in heavy Rotation Mastodon's Crack the Skye and Phoenix's Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix.But a winner for great album cover goes to the Deftones.Always a big fan of there music a good alternative metal band that always keeps things interesting in my opinion. This is there best album cover yet. Hopefully Diamond Eyes will be another great Deftones album.

Oh,Barn Owl can you do no Wrong

For my first in awhile it feels good to write again on here hopefully this will be more frequent event like it use to be.Fill free to comment below, am I an idiot for not liking the ipad? Are there any other game ending that you felt where great or terrible? Last thing no comments can denounce Barn owl look into those eyes, it will blow your mind.

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