Sunday, March 22, 2009

Artist Watch: The Films

The Films
(reviewed by Kdubs)
"Sixties Britpop meets West Coast psychedelia"

New York based band carries heavy early Kinks tunes with a touch of upbeat/revved up Stones. Think Jet, but without the rip off.
Their album "Don't Dance Rattlesnake" is mixes edgy guitar riffs, upbeat pop-like melody and 'smart scenester-baiting' lyrics.

Currently on tour with Butch Walker, they offer an amazing compliment as an opening band, rivaling As Fast As (the better opening band in 2007, Boys Like Girls *SUCK*)
Two songs from "Don't Dance Rattlesnake," which are on constant rotation on the Ipizzle..
  • Tabletops: this should be on everyone's pre-game/pre-bar play list. Beginning with "drinking 'til we throw up," to "let's go chase them, all the girls, They can't resist, why should they now?" the song is an anthem for an enjoyable night out.

  • Belt loops: a perfect song for those of us who've been toyed around or cheated on by that girl who you knew was cheating on you, office space moment. Two rememberable quotes from the song "She's like a devil in a dark shade of lipstick, An unassuming sort of x-rated misfit" and "Just so we're straight and you don't get the wrong impression, Don't need a silly little overdue confession, Just remember when you're over at his house undressing
    He's just another sucker who's about to learn a lesson"

Overall, the CD is about 45 minutes upbeat (besides one slow emoesk) and rather promising for anyone's collection. They are releasing a new CD this summer, and by what i heard live, it will outdue this impressive album.

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