Friday, March 13, 2009

Stewart v. Cramer

Edited by Secret Agent Michael Scarn

Last night was one of the most significant interviews the history of The Daily Show as CNBC's Jim Cramer was on last night's program to discuss the recent statements host Jon Stewart had made against the network's coverage of the recent economic meltdown. I could easily say that Jon Stewart won the battle, but for me it was not a battle in the first place. It was a bit overblown; the beginning of the show actually makes fun of all the hype around the interview. I have to give Jim Cramer some props for showing up on The Daily Show and trying to defend CNBC's news coverage, not a easy task since some of their actions are indefensible. I feel the person on CNBC that should of been on The Daily Show was Rick Santelli, who really brought on the recent events.

I Thought the interview was great and hard-hitting, it was not just Cramer that Jon Stewart focused his attention on, it was the whole network. Stewart demanded that the network do their job, ask the tough questions, and be honest about what is really going on. Below are some clips of the interview; feel free to comment.

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