Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Will the real RNC leader please stand up..

We're gonna have a problem here....

The RNC acts like they never seen a black person before
Jaws all on the floor like Sarah, and Todd just burst in the door
and started whoopin her ass worse than before
they first were snowmobiling, throwin her over furniture (Ahh!)
It's the return of the McCain... "Ah, wait, no way, you're kidding,
he didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"
And W said... nothing you idiots!
W's wasted, he'http://luckiestreettribune.blogspot.com/s locked in his dallas basement! (Ha-ha!).....

Ok so you see where i was going with that one...lets recap, the starting line up for the RNC in the past year....

One year ago: Dick "speakingoutofonesideofmymouthmakesmeseemlesshuman" Cheney
Famous for: Destroying civil liberties through the patriot act, orchestrating a war in the middle east to increase his stock portfolio and shooting a RNC lawyer (thank you lewis).
6 months ago: John "amireleventyet" McCain
Famous for: Suspending his campaign to steer the economic conflict, calling Barack "that one" and worst of all, ditching Letterman (you don't diss DAVE!)
3 months ago: Sarah "isthatherdaughterskid" Palin
Famous for: Saying "thanks but no thanks" but keeping the money, talking about Putin, reading "most of them" "all of them, any of them" and her vast knowledge of Court cases. (ohhh gotcha journalism!)
2 months ago: Samuel Joseph"dontestpaytaxesyetstilldidntgetanobamaappointment" Wurzelbache
Famous for: Being called "Joe the Plumber" but not really being a plumber and having trouble paying his taxes. (wonder why he wasn't vetted for Obama's cabinet)
1 month ago: Eric "myassissotightifyouputcoaluptherei'dcrapoutadiamond" Cantor
Famous for: Instead of being the minority whip, he is the minority baby. Instead of being bi-partisan he acts like a spoiled child which has gained him the nick name of Mr. NO...(get him barack)
3 weeks ago: Michael "notsuchamanof" Steele
Famous for: Being "that one", so the RNC decided to go with their only other black guy (Alan Keyes, talk about ignorant) AND saying he is pro-choice! wow, this guy just wants dems back in 2010.
2 weeks ago: Bobby "whydoilooklikebarneyfifewithatan" Jindal
Famous for: Blowing his chances at presidency in a ten minute period. Only other RNC member i've seen to shoot themselves in their foot like that, go back to half ass acting.
Last week: Rush "howthehellisthisguynotconsideredaterrorist" Limbaugh
Famous for: Turning off women faster than Chris Delbosque taking his shirt off and displaying his version of truffle shuffle.
This week: ___________ you fill in the blank. (use the comment)
Famous for: ____________ you fill in the blank. (use the comment)

Finally Interning on the Hill,

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