Sunday, March 15, 2009

Come On...

From time to time there are situations where words cannot fully explain what is going on. The creation of the BCS, George W. Bush getting elected president, the lack of oversight by the banking industry, George W. Bush getting re-elected president... the list just goes on and on.

It is during these times that we here at the Luckie Street Tribune must intervene, and voice our opinions at some of the "Epic Failures" occurring around us every day.

First up, a Yale student is suing an airline for $1 Million dollars over the loss of his X-Box. Come on... A million dollars for the loss of an X-Box. Do you really expect to win this argument. How do think that trial is going to go?

Kid - "Excuse me your honor, but I believe that the loss of my X-Box has caused me pain and suffering that should amount to the value of no less than $1 Million dollars."
Judge - "Get out..."

Hey kid, I don't know if you know this or not, but your court fees will probably cost more than the airline is willing to give you. Also, you go to F@*king Yale. Chances are you are not hurting for money. Just take the settlement and move on with your life. Come on...

Next, a riot broke out recently in New York City during auditions for this year's Next Top Model. Six people were injured while three were arrested in the chaos. Police officials are still not sure what to make of this, but it was noted that the streets were littered with shoes and clothing. When reached for comment, Tyra Banks' publicist could not comment on the matter. Come on... Tyra was probably foaming at the mouth. You know she would have loved to be in the middle of the stampede, interviewing people in between her own sob stories about how she is not fat. Apparently, this years contestants can be no taller than 5' 7", in what is an effort to counter stereotypes about beauty. Come on... You are trying to counter stereotypes about beauty and the model persona? You might help your cause if the streets were not littered with the articles of clothing from future contestants of your show.

Speaking of Brawls, a fight broke out during Friday's WAC semi-finals game. The fight breaks the time honored tradition of "Never mess with a man's Mustache!" The fight occured with seven seconds left in the game, while New Mexico State held a one point lead over Utah State. At this time, Big Blue promptly ripped the mustache off of Pistol Pete's face, and proceded to run across the court. Pistol Pete was able to catch up to Big Blue at half-court, and after failing to tackle his opponet, began to choke his advisary before retreating to his side of the court. As if the humiliation of losing his mustache was not enough, New Mexico State's mascot could only watch as his team would also lose their lead and the game with a last second shot.

Now here is where it get's interesting. As you can see, Pistol Pete has a fake mustache attached to his skin. Come on... there is no way this guy should be the mascot if he won't even grow a true mustache. Also, what did he think Big Blue was going to do? He was not going to invite him to a barbeque, that's for sure. So why did he let him get that close? There is an unspoken code that exists between mascots, where you don't mess with each other's wardrobe. So why did he do it? Apparently, a man in a Nevada shirt offered the Utah State mascot $100 to rip off the mustache. Come on... That's it? A fan (who does not support Utah State, by the way) offers him a hundred bucks and he goes along with it. Don't get me wrong, because I love the fact that he actually did it. Along with the victory, Big Blue was also able to succesfully get rid of the mustache, because it has yet to be recovered. All in all, an awsome story.

Finally, there has been a video that has been getting a lot of buzz on the web recently. I will let you comment on this video as you see fit...

If you have anything you would like us to offer our comments on, or review, just let us know.

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