Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"You're Gonna Say WOW Every Time!"

You all know the commercial by now... The ShamWow

Here are somethings you may not know, however...

1. He was born in Israel

2. He attained notoriety for writing, directing, producing, and staring in Underground Comedy Movie; a movie that is in IMDB's Bottom 100 Movies.

3. He sued the Farley Brothers for "stealing" 14 scenes from Underground Comedy Movie in There's Something About Mary. The case was dismissed, and 20th Century Fox was awarded over $66,000 in attorney fees.

4. He sued Anna Nicole Smith for $4 Million for backing out of Underground Comedy Movie, which she had agreed to appear in. Smith stated that she backed out of the movie because the movie would be "detrimental to her career" (Wow, you know a movie is bad if Anna Nicole Smith said no...).

5. He was able to market the movie using the "Girls Gone Wild" method of selling (basically, late night infomercial advertising).

6. He used the proceeds from the movie to sue the Church of Scientology after he claimed that the church had called him a criminal and the church urged members to commit libel against him.

7. Last month, ShamWow pitchman Vince Offer(real name Vince Shlomi) was arrested for assaulting a prostitute in a Florida hotel room. Here is his mug shot (and click on it quick, because we can't afford to do this all day).

The police report states that Shlomi met Sasha Harris (pictured in 2005 and 2008) in a Florida nightclub. The two agreed to go back to Shlomi's hotel room where they would engage in "strait sex" for $1,000. When Shlomi tried to kiss the prostitute, however, things turned violent. The police report states that Harris suddenly "Bit his tounge, and would not let go." At this point, Shlomi began to punch Harris until she released his tounge.

After freeing his tounge, Shlomi ran into the lobby of the hotel, where cops would be summoned to the scene. After the police showed up, Harris refused to cooperate with police, who found $970 dollars on her person. Both were arrested for assault, and were subsequently taken to a hospital to treat their wounds.

At this time, Shlomi has not been formally charged with any crime. Harris, however, states that she is considering filing a lawsuit against the pitchman.

All I can say is "WOW"

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