Friday, May 8, 2009

E3 Predictions

It's that time of the year when all of the Video Game industry meets for the annual event the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).E3 conventions history is filled with huge gaming announcements that have shaped the industry for years and this year looks to do the same. In the past E3 huge event with between 40 and 60 thousand people filled the Los Angeles convention center. In the past three E3 conventions it has become a low key event geared towards industry insiders and press with less fan presence.Do it less then stellar opinions and coverage, E3 is going back to large scale with huge TV displays, loud music, long lines and Booth Babes(yep they brought them back).Since I am resident gamer for Luckie Street Tribune I have decided to give some E3 Predictions.

Microsoft-Last years the Xbox360 had a very successful showing with the New Xbox Experience and Netflix integration.Also with footage of Gears of war 2 and probably the biggest announcement of Final Fantasy 13 taking away a game that once was a Sony PlayStation3 Exclusive.So what to expect from this years E3 for Microsoft.

Game play of Halo:ODST- This originally looked to be an expansion for Halo 3 with a separate campaign without series hero Master Chief. But since this is one of the Xbox360 blockbuster games of this year its going to be more of a full fledged game. I am thinking it will be more of a strategic Shooter similar to Tom Clancy Ghost Recon:Advance War Fighter Series and the Halo series strong multiplayer.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Expansion- Given the Success of The Lost and the Damned this one is a no brainier.But what will it be about is the question

More Entertainment-Since Netflix has been a great success and Microsoft wants the xbox360 to be the entertainment hub expect an announcement of some type of media or social network integration.If Sony or Microsoft have some type of social network such as Facebook integrations on either console it could be a real winner.

Windows 7 gaming and Zune games- Since Windows 7 is being released later this year expect Microsoft to show some games using Windows 7 OS. Also Zune may have more game functionality to compete with the Ipod touch and Iphone.

Few Mystery games and Alan Wake
- I think Microsoft is looking for another game on the lines of Halo and Gears of War series,so I would not be surprised to see a game with a huge Budget and big time developer come out of this E3.Also,Alan Wake a adventure game has been in development for a long time, so I see Alan Wake with a 2009 release and either a gameplay trailer or a playable demo at E3

Sony- The PlayStation 3 has had a up and down life.Its has had strong games but seems to never figure how to get out of third place.A good showing at E3 will go along way in insuring a good remainder of 2009

God of War III Release Date- This is Sony's big gun and I expect to see a longer trailer showing gameplay footage and closed door playable demo.God of War will not be released this year given the developers history the release date will be February or March 2010.

Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 2- These games will be playable at E3 and a release dates in the fall of this year

- Given the success of Netflix on the xbox360, I see a similar relationship between NetFlix and PlayStation 3.Also another possibility is Sony could make a deal with blockbuster to counter Microsoft and netflix

Heavy Rain
- A game that shows the PlayStation 3 power will have a big showing at this years E3. Also expect a lot of comparisons to Xbox360 exclusiveAlan Wake.

Rockstar Games exclusive game- Rockstar developer of Grand theft Auto series signed a deal for a exclusive Sony title on the PlayStation 3 which is much need since losing Grand theft auto 4 exclusivity. It will be a action title similar to grand theft auto series but will not be L.A Noire which at this time is most likely canceled

No way in Hell
- $ 100 price cut on the PlayStation 3 would be great for sales for this console.But, Sony is in such financial trouble they will most likely keep the price the same until the fall.

Nintendo-The Wii has been a huge success in the main stream market but still can not get the hardcore gaming community on there side. Will Nintendo have a better presence and a less embarrassing press conference from the last two years?

Wii Sports resort and Motion plus-This game was announced last year but expect a release date and gameplay demo showing more of the motion plus control. Also I see a few more games using motion plus for example Red Steel 2.

Mario or Zelda teaser trailer
- To make nintendo loyal fans happy there will be a teaser for either Mario or Zelda.Other then a teaser trailer they will not give it a release date.

Wii Fit 2- I might be stretching this prediction but I can see Nintendo announce Wii Fit 2 do to the success of the Wii fit. Also expect a lot of games similar in style to wii fit or using more of the Wii balance board

Other predictions

Half life 2 :Episode 3
- Valve has been working on this one for awhile ,I see an announcement that it does exist.Valve tends to be quiet about what they are developing but I think they will give information out at E3.

On-live - Announced at the game developers conference expect more footage from them at E3.Also will be interesting to see developers and companies that support this project.

All things Hero and Beatles
- There will be Guitar hero 5, Dj Hero and Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits all playable on the show floor. Also more footage of Rock Band:Beatles and possible a playable demo.

I could go on for awhile but I will have to wait and see if some of these predictions are right.E3 is June 2-4

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