Friday, May 15, 2009

Lady GaGa, Stripped.

"What the hell is a Lady GaGa?"

I poised this question to Andre about a month ago, i really was confused. Even though i have never heard a song by this "artist", i wanted to know what makes this Lady actually GaGa. So i decided to do about as much research and opinion-free journalism as FoxNews, which equates to minimal research and my opinion spoon fed to the readers of this blog (the few, the proud).

Because i am lazy and dont feel like writing with creativity, i will go over my top views on how this pop music star retained the name of Lady GaGa in top 5 format...

5. She is a Queen Killer, ripping off the classic Radio GaGa
"All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah bla"

4. She is a real mench, who enjoys playing Ga-ga.....VERY NICE!
The comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, despite his lanky frame, was noted for being a champion ga-ga player in his Habonim days. According to his official online biography, Cohen won the Habonim UK ga-ga championship on multiple occasions and in 1992 led his country to a silver medal in the world ga-ga ball championships eventually coming in second to the undefeated Australian Habonim team.

3. She clearly doesn't have a lactose intolerance...You Scream, I Scream
Damn! I think i just Ga-Ga'd, do you have a towel?

2. She has one of those annoying little dogs, and dresses them up with clothes from this store
this dog is thinking, "kill me now"

1. Pop music has come to an all time low, and even Brittany Spears' pantie-less trash self couldn't top this "Lady" from using a name "ga-ga"
I Love Pop Music

Whose ready to let the dawgs out?!


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