Thursday, May 21, 2009

Peavy to the White Sox? Not so fast...

According to, the Chicago White Sox have agreed, in principle, to a trade with the San Diego Padres that would send All-Star pitcher Jake Peavy to the Southside of Chicago.

This deal, created after Wednesday night's victory, would bring some much needed pitching to the 4th place White Sox. Also involved in this trade would be two of the Sox's lefty pitchers, Clayton Richard and Aaron Poreda, who are two highly regarded prospects.

Kenny Williams, the Sox GM, has always been aggressive in trade attempts. Gavin Floyd, John Danks, and Carlos Quinten were all brought to the team through trades. In fact, Kenny Williams has probably been the most active GM in the league, in regards to consistently acquiring both young and veteran talent through trades.

Peavy, whom the Padres attempted to trade during the off-season, does have a no-trade clause attached to his contract. While his agent states that while Peavy likes the mid-west, it is common knowledge that he would much rather stay in the National League (Peavy likes to hit). Could this be a potential deal breaker? Who knows...

So now, we pose the question to you... What do you think Jake Peavy should do?

Should he go to the Chicago White Sox? They are in 4th place, with a slumping offence, but have tons of potential.

Or should he stay with the Padres? There, he can continue to hit, but will probably watch as the Padres lose the division the Dodgers.

Also, what teams should try to better themselves in the next few weeks?

- Will it be the Blue Jays; who are shocking the world?
- Maybe the Royals, who have a plethora of young talent?
- Or will it be the Yankees, who are desperately trying to reclaim their footing after stumbling out of the gate?

1 comment:

  1. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on the NY Mets going after Peavy sometime during the All-Star break. They have the pitching and hitting, but are determined to make their first season at CitiField important.
