Saturday, May 23, 2009

Top 10 Reasons To Watch Chuck!

Every year, there is one show on television that fans rally behind in order to save. These are often shows that are different, well written, and have a loyal following. For some reason, however, these shows are often canceled before they have a chance to gain a larger audience.

Two years ago, Jericho fans were successfully able to bring back their show, if only to give the show a proper ending. Last year, fans of Moonlight were not so lucky...

What would have happened if Journeyman had not been canceled? For that matter, what if The Office had been canceled? These questions will never be fully known. The one thing that is known, however, is that Chuck is one of the most unique shows on television, and it would be a shame to let it go. AND NOW WE DON'T HAVE TO!!!! So now... the Top 10 Reasons to WATCH "Chuck"!!!

10. The Buy More - also known as Buymoria, the Buy More has become a central character in the show. The Buy More is a complete rip-off of Best-Buy, as is the "Nerd-Herd", which is a complete rip off of the "Geek Squad". Many of the episodes take place in the Buy More, and the Buy More is the perfect place for the show to gain some advertising revenue (hint, hint... NBC!).

9. Guest Stars - From week to week, Chuck is able to get some wonderful and unexpected guest stars. Not only do these actors bring a wonderful energy to the show, but many even appear in multi-episode arcs, such as Chevy Chase, Rachel Bilson, and Scott Bakula. Other guests include Michael Clark Duncan, Jenny McCarthy, Andy Richter, Nicole Richie, Ben Savage, Michael Strahan, Jordanna Brewster, Morgan Fairchild, Gary Cole, Jerome Bettis, Dominic Monaghan, and Reginald VelJohnson!

8. Captain Awesome! - Played by Ryan Partlin, the character of Dr. Devon Woodcomb has become, in a word, AWSOME!!! He is the brother-in-law of Chuck, and he is awsome for many reasons; mostly his nickname, but who cares. He is often the only one of Chuck's friends he can rely on for matters of the heart, or sanity. Originally, his character was supposed to be revealed to be an enemy spy, but his character was liked so much, that they decided to give him a more permanent on the show. Not only is he married to Chuck's sister, but he is also the only person outside of the military who knows who Chuck really is...

7. Buy More Crew - Since joining the cast in season 2, Tony Hale - better known for his role as Buster on the cult-hit Arrested Development - plays the Assistant Manager Emmett. He has added some wonderful energy to the already talented cast. Morgan, Chuck's best friend, always is there for laughs, even though he usually gets Chuck into trouble. Anna and Big Mike are also wonderful additions to the cast. The coup d’état, thankfully, is Jeffster. It is Jeffster who brings the funny. Jeff is that creepy guy you meet in the store who makes you want to walk in the opposite direction and head for the exit. He owns his own spy equipment, and has perfected stalking to an art form. Lester is the "brains" of Jeffster, and he has a range of skill sets such as: ___________... Couldn't really think of anything, but he is still better than Jeff. Also, much like The Office, this diverse crew at the Buy More provides tons of additional online content. This content includes Morgan's Vlog, Buy More Instructional Videos, and Nerd Herd Review...

6. Adam Baldwin - (Major John Casey): Casey is pure man, which is the total opposite of Chuck. He is often the one who has to get Chuck out of trouble, much to his own chagrin. He is quick to cut Chuck back down to earth, but he is also capable of providing some funny moments. Though he would never admit it, he really does like Chuck. It is also nice to see Adam Baldwin get a role like this after Firefly was canceled several years ago. With only a handful of grunts, he is able to say so very much.

5. Charles Carmichael - Chuck's alter ego; While Chuck has been living his double life as a spy/buy more employee, chuck has had to undergo some major changes. None are more obvious than his actual transformation into a true spy. While he may not have the brawn to compete with some of his adversaries, he has been able to show his wit and leadership skills time and again. This dynamic has actually helped the show to improve from week to week. Rather than just having Chuck get into trouble every week, and then be saved at the last minute, Chuck is now able to get himself out of trouble. It is also very funny to watch Chuck squirm with his new responsibilities.

4. Music/Action Scenes - This is what makes Chuck such an enjoyable show. It is really hard for a show to pull off action scenes from week to week, but Chuck is able to do so flawlessly. Add in their amazing use of music, which Chuck has used perfectly from week to week. Adding Rush's Tom Sawyer to a storyline or having Cake's Short Skirt/Long Jacket as its intro have allowed the music to tell the story, keep the action fresh, and to include often ignored music into our living rooms from week to week. Very few shows can leave a viewer wondering, "Who sings that song... I have to have it!" Chuck is one of those shows.

3. Yvonne Strahovski - (Sarah Walker): Just the thought of her as your personal bodyguard/cover-girlfriend would be enough to send any man into a coma, (the good kind) let alone a computer-nerd like Chuck. There is more to it than that, though. She is a wonderfully talented actress, who is able to handle the physical as well as emotional scenes with ease. Yes, she is beautiful, but there is more to her character than that. Add to that her wonderful chemistry with Zach Levi, and her ability to kick some serious a**, and that is what makes this show worth watching for the guys out there... if nothing else!

2. Zach Levi - (Chuck Bartowski): Hands down, the coolest nerd ever to walk the planet... How Zach Levi has gone unnoticed until now is a complete mystery. He is charming and funny as Chuck Bartowski, a simple computer nerd who is thrust into the spotlight and is forced to save the world from numerous baddies. Zach has been able to give his character real heart though, which could have been overlooked by most actors. He has shown amazing character growth over the past two seasons, and is able to handle both comedy and drama as if he had been doing this for years. Chuck has become a bit of a hero to the eyes of nerds across the world. If we were suddenly asked to save the world, we would have our mishaps. Sure, things wouldn't always go according to plan, but Chuck is able to adapt to any situation. His character is truly funny, but he is pretty real. He is capable of great things, even if he doesn't know it...

1. Tone & Character/Story Progression: When we first met Charles Bartowski, he was just an ordinary guy living an ordinary life. Sure he didn't have much to show for his life, but he was real. All of a sudden, he is forced to become the hero... From week to week his life is put in jeopardy, all while trying to conceal his new life from his family and friends. What would you do? Chuck has not only been able to handle his double life, but from week to week, he has grown into a true spy. They have done a wonderful job at keeping the show light-hearted, but they do not ignore the fact that Chuck's existence can cease to exist at any given notice. The story has also been able to progress from week to week in a way that does not leave you feeling lost (like Lost). It takes real talent to be able to make an audience laugh one minute, and then to quickly bring its characters back down to real life the next. There is never any situation that the writers have not fully thought out and planned carefully. It is reminiscent of Burn Notice in its ability to slowly bring the story forward; likewise, it also has a wonderful blend of action, drama, and comedy like Burn Notice or Psych. Along with it's amazing ensemble, great musical choices, and guest casting, Chuck has consistently gotten better from week to week. That alone should qualify it as a no-brainer to be brought back for another season; and if the season finale was any indication of what is to come... We haven't seen anything yet.

So there you have it... I really hope that viewers will begin to notice what an amazing show Chuck is. It is a treat that NBC has extended its life by another half-season to gain a larger following. It certainly has earned its chance.

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